On Friday the 13th (how cliche), a low-rent, knock-off version of Pennywise the Clown of Stephen King’s It was hiding in some bushes along a sidewalk on Howland Boulevard. The 11-year-old victim, a resident of Volusia County, told deputies that the clown jumped out of those aforementioned bushes in an...
Read moreA man in Texas was pulled over by the cops, had his car searched and was arrested for possession of methamphetamine.. a half pound at that! The issue? 24-year-old Ross LeBeau wasn’t transporting meth. It was a half-pound of kitty litter inside of a sock! Apparently, the litter is...
Read moreLast night, my roommate and I went out on the town and things got a little out of hand. She ended up being arrested and was taken to the county jail. She called me and said she can’t get a hold of her family and asked if I could...
Read moreTimothy Knight, a man from California, has been rearrested after stealing a car so he could drive himself to court. The court hearing he was rushing off to was regarding his prior arrest… which was for suspicion of possession of a stolen car. This guy needs to look up...
Read moreA Aabbott & Cathy Bail Bonds has been owned and operated by Catherine Crespo since 1985. Catherine has been a Florida resident since 1976 and a licensed Bail Bond Agent for over 30 years.